Birth support

When planning your wedding, did you book your officiant and think, “great, we’re all set!”??  We often spend months of time and thousands of dollars on planning our wedding, but we don’t give our pregnancies and births nearly the same attention.  Doulas are the wedding planners of birth! Robin and Leah have witnessed over 1,900 births, at many different hospitals, as well as homes & birth centers, and they can help you best navigate this incredible time in your lives!

A doula is a trained professional labor support person who acts as an interpreter between the birthing family and the medical providers, although never speaking FOR your family.

A doula is a fantastic resource before labor even begins as she serves as a "sounding board" for any questions or concerns that may arise throughout the course of pregnancy leading up to a family's labor.

A doula can help a mother stay at home longer before going to a birthing facility, which can help in avoiding interventions and pain medications. 

A doula helps to provide the emotional, physical, and mental support the birthing family needs to get through the hurdles of labor with more ease and confidence.

Photos of our amazing clients rocking their births - Photos by Robin and Leah

why work with us?

doulas in the west suburbs and chicago

Peace of mind

Because we work in a partnership we are able to  provide the very best support for you! We work in 24 hour shifts, bringing you refreshed, energized guidance throughout your labor process.  We also love that, because there are two of us, if we are having a busier birthing time, we can each go to a client in labor and significantly limit our need for additional back up doula support.  

Even though only one of us will physically be with you at any given time in your labor, we will have gotten to know your family and it’s wishes prior to your birth.  We stay connected during the process, so you have 35 years of doula experience and “brain power” at your disposal at all times. 


feel prepared and confident

We help you feel prepared and confident to navigate labor and birth by providing you with resources, classes and conversation.

We help you find out what is important to you and your family, which will help you continue to confidently make choices as your family grows.

During your labor we will help remind you of your preferences and all you learned during your preparation for your birth. 



What exactly do you get:

-prenatal meeting offered in person or via video chat around 36 weeks 

-text, email and phone support during pregnancy

-phone support during early labor 

-in person support starting in active labor or when most helpful to your family

-immediate postpartum support

-explanation of postpartum care process while it’s happening

-breastfeeding assistance 

-6 weeks of on-call postpartum support - because YOU matter.

-optional in-home postpartum visit

Discounts are available for preferred providers. We accept HSA/FSA
Classes, Massages & Placenta Encapsulation can be added as a la cart services.

Click below to contact us with questions or to schedule your Complimentary Consultation.